

Record Immediately

To begin and stop recording, right click on the TV display and select TV Recording | Start (or Stop) Recording. You can also use keyboard combination Ctrl + Shift + R to start or stop recording.

Record Using Media Scheduler

Before using Media Scheduler, you should first setup a test. Start with a small recording session (3 minutes, for example). Also, you should realize that recording takes up a lot of drive space (about 60GB/hour uncompressed and up to about 4GB/hour compressed)

To schedule a recording


Open Media Scheduler (Start | Program Files | J. River Media Center | Media Scheduler)


Double click on the Media Scheduler icon in the taskbar.


Click on Add One-Time Task (or Add Periodic Task to schedule a recurring event).


In the Action drop-down menu, select Start TV Recording.


Provide Start and Stop dates and times.


Select a channel to record in the Recording Source drop-down list.


Set the output path. Click the browse button and select the drive and folder (preferably the default video folder already created by Media Center, which is the Video folder on the drive with the most free space). Name the file, and give it an extension (either .avi or .wmv). The recording will be done in the format of the file extension you chose, regardless of which recording profile you have chosen. If you record in AVI, make sure you have configured your system accordingly (see TV Recording).


You may close Media Scheduler (it will stay open in the task bar).

Media Center can stay open and you can listen to music or playback images, but you cannot be viewing TV when Media Scheduler is set to start recording.