AVI recording


If you have selected AVI format in Options | Advanced | Recording, you will see two other options in the right click menu, aside from TV Recording | Start (or Stop) Recording:

Allocate Temp File Space

AVI files are recorded in two stages: first to the temp file (TempCaptureFile.avi by default) and then the file is copied to a final destination file (it will look something like this: "Ch 7 3_11_2003 11_37_11.avi").

The TempCaptureFile.avi is the file that you preallocate, and you use this preallocated space again and again for different recordings. You should therefore allocate a lot of your disk space for smooth recording (for example, 5000MB (5GB)). AVI files at high resolution may take up to about 60GB/hour (before compression), so you may have to use higher settings. It all depends on the video size, color space format, compressor, and how long you plan to record. You do not have to set it precisely. If your allocation is too small, and the recorded file exceeds the allocation, recording will still work, but may be more prone to errors.

It may take Media Center a few minutes to allocate space for the TempCaptureFile, especially if you are allocating a lot of space. Please be patient..


When you stop recording, the video is copied from the TempCaptureFile.avi to a new file named something like "Ch 7 3_11_2003 11_37_11.avi". This is the file that you should playback. If the video were not copied to the new file, you would lose it the next time you began a new recording session.

By default, Media Center is set to copy your file from the TempCaptureFile.avi to a new file when recording is stopped. You can change this behavior by creating a new recording profile. At the last step of profile-creation you can specify whether the copying would automatically happen, and whether to use the automatically generated file names.

Save Captured Video As

"Save Captured Video As" is not used often. By default, immediately after recording is stopped, the recorded video file is copied from the preallocated temporary file to a final destination file. If you turn off automatic copying, or want to have an extra copy of your recording, you can use "Save Captured Video As" to save the video to a new file.