The Server


The "server" has media files that are made available to other PC's by running Media Server.

Start Media Server


From the Windows Start menu, go to Programs | J River Media Center | Media Server; or


From within Media Center, go to Tools | More Tools | Media Server


When Media Server opens, go to File Menu and select "Share".

Stop Media Server

To stop Media Server, go to File | Stop Sharing.

View Statistics

In Media Server, to go File | Statistics.

This will display a list of files that have been shared. You can reset it by clicking on the Reset button.

Enable Authentication (Server)

In Media Server, go to Settings | Options | Enable Authentication.

You can set a username and password here, so that when there is a connection to your server, the user will have to type in the username and password before accessing your library.

Startup Settings

In Media Server, go to Settings | Options. You can set Media server to automatically start on Windows’ startup and/or to automatically start sharing when the program starts.

Disable Auto Detect

The client’s computer will auto-detect any instances of Media Server running on the LAN. If you want to disable this feature, select “Do not respond to auto detect requests”.

Note: The "auto detect” on the client side displays the servers, it does not access them until you click ok, unless it detects a single server, in which case it will connect automatically.


Network Settings

Go to Settings | Options | Network.

Select automatic port selection (the default is 80), or manually input the port. You can also reset "current maximum bandwidth".

Set the Library to be shared

Go to Settings | Options | Library

Set the library you would like to share.