

Here are few examples of the kinds of rules you can create:


 comment=Italian bitrate=320 genre=opera

Media Center returns all opera files with a bitrate of 320 that include "Italian" in the comment field.


 lastplayed=<60 length=300 custom3=cd-45

This results in a list of all songs played in the last hour (smaller than < 60 minutes) with a length of 300 seconds, and 'cd-45' in the custom3 field.


 playlist=charts\top 40 1983 lastplayed=10-30 

This returns in a list of all songs in the '"Charts > Top 40 1983" Playlist that have been played between 10 and 30 minutes ago.



The result is a list of all files larger than (>) 7000kbs, or 7MB


Note: To manually type in an exclusion, simply put a "-" before the rule.



This returns a list of artists excluding both Sting and the Beatles.

Note: The length field is calculated in seconds. The lastplayed field is calculated in minutes: <20 means smaller than, or within the last 20 minutes, whereas >20 means greater than, thus before the last 20 minutes. Using 10-30 means between 10 and 30 minutes.